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@da-lyrical-apostle • 7 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new Audio File:
I Am a Christian
@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago

Christ Soldiers!

I am back with a flame driven like never before letting everyone know that "This flame won't die...cuz I am not the one who started it , nor the one who's hold the match." Just coming through to let all my fans and fellow Christ Soldiers know that ,"I Shine."

@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago

Be encourage by the video.

@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago • comments: 0
@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new Audio File:
Put the cross on them
@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago
Created a new Audio File:
@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Signed @da-lyrical-apostle's Guestbook:
"Just sending up the prasises to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ "
@da-lyrical-apostle • 9 years ago

Doing a spiritual cleaning right now and will be returning shortly with a endless eternal musical flow as we continue to take the gospel to the streets. One verse and song at a time.  Niki-da lyrical apostle,  "True Word Records Urban Inspriational Music Ministry,

This Flame Won't Die!


Da Lyrical apostle
Quiénes Da Lyrical apostle

Nikida, who is Minister Antonio a license and a ordain minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ whom all things was made, by Him and for Him, and without Him was nothing was made. Nikida da lyrical apostle is on a sent mission spreading the Word of God, with the gift of music through his "Musical Evangelism" on the True Word Records Music Ministry Label, with Christain "DJ Sow-a-Seed." They at "Lets Make It A Hit Studio, come laying each track and song with lyrics that won't fail. In the words of the Niki-da Lyrical apostle, "I Speak the Word".

He himself with the burden on is heart say,"I Got to Let' em Know". A Christ Soldier who's not afraid to fight,  a spiritual battle and who is on a mission and won't turn around."  A multi-talent artist who refuse to bury is talent in the sand, but using them all to win souls for Christ for the glory of God. So he says to all you Christ soldiers out. "Keep Rising!" 

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