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Go with God

Go with God


genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 88

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Sir Vaant The Silensa
Quiénes Sir Vaant The Silensa

Born and raised in Denver Co. A Christian artist since 2003 just over a decade. Life before surrendering to Jesus Christ was a long lost dark path one that involved drugs, alcohol, jail, substance abuse rehabs, the party life. Drugs and alcohol were a way of life from the early teens into the the early 20's for Sir Vaant. It wasn't until 2003 at the age of 23 when Sir Vaant was at his lowest in a hospital room on drugs with no hope, Jesus Christ appeared to him with what he describes as the moment that changed his life forever (an eye witness account). "Jesus Christ was not happy with the way that I had lived my life, I was rebuked by Him in the beginning, but after pleading with Him for forgiveness He forgave me, life after that day has never been the same for me, Jesus delivered me from a dark life, before that I did music for the world trying to reach fame and fortune but I walked away from all that and I knew if would continue on in music it would be to reach out to the lost with my story and testimony and use my talent to Glorify God and testify to the truth of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice He made for us by shedding His blood for the whole world, my life is no longer mine." The music on this page and many others can be downloaded for free @ "May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, He is coming soon!"

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