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@red-dog • 8 years ago

Pleased to release Trinity: The Last Revolution! Check out my website www.reddogmusic.org and buy my new album with features by Dee-1, Truth Universal, Daddy-O, Lauren Settembrini, Don Jackson, J9, Anat Nevo and many others! 

Check out our music video! https://www.facebook.com/RED-DOG-207638791444/

@red-dog • 9 years ago • comments: 0
Posted new YouTube video(s):
That Gospel Though

RED DOG is a New Orleans-based artist that pushes the lyrical and musical limits of hip-hop. "TRINITY: The Last Revolution" will be available in early 2016. He received critical acclaim for his last two albums "The Testament (2005)" and "Transformation (2010)."

"I am very excited with the Gospel message that we proclaim in Trinity," said RED DOG. "This final CD is a triumph for me both spiritually and personally. I poured everything into this one and I am proud to spread the seeds of life into this world. We have really simplified the gospel message in this one. It's not about what you have, how you pray, how you look, what your gender is, or what your political party is. It's about your acceptance of God's sacrifice and how you show love to your neighbor"

RED DOG has performed at the Dove Holy Hip Hop Awards, GospelFest in Tulsa, OK, Krunk for Christ Festival in Atlanta, GA, Fall Festival in Myrtle Beach, SC, World-famous Tipitina's in New Orleans and dozens of other venues.

His album is now available at www.reddogmusic.org also on iTunes, Amazon and Google Music 

Follow him at @Reddeezy on twitter/instagram and @REDDOG on Facebook. 

Rakim, Sting, Talib Kweli, Nas,
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