Not only is 4th Soil the name of this group, 4th Soil is a way of life! In Matthew the 13 chapter, Jesus talks about a 4 different types of soil. One being full of gravel where in grew up quickly but got burnt by the sun since there wasn't much dirt there, one being full of thorns that did nothing but chocked the seed out. He alos talked about how some of the so fell on long the path where birds ate it up before it even got a chance to grow and so forth. He goes on to talk about good, fertile and healthy soil which he recomends if we want our seed to grow 100 times over and over. "We consider our selves to be that 4th Soil",says Flud. With a downsouth/Midwest/West coast flava, 4th Soil is ready to be used in order impact a multitude with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The group consist Lee"Flud"Prince & Kevin"K-DuBB"Warr.