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I'm an Alien

I'm an Alien

album: The Reformation EP

genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 67

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KING DAVID The Recruiter
About KING DAVID The Recruiter

K.I.N.G DAVID a/k/a The Recruiter (Knowledge Inspires Necessary Growth)

After nearly 13 years of silence, in obedience to the call of God he is back ministering through Christian Hip Hop. His passion for God's Word and for souls is evident by the message and delivery of each song.

Born in Chicago Heights, Illinois with residence being taken in Louisiana, Tennessee and over a decade in Minneapolis he now finds his home in Atlanta, Georgia. After years of selling drugs, gang banging and reckless living he answered the call of God on his life in 1998 only to backslide for a season, which in time nearly cost a man's life and his own his to prison. 

Now as a surrendered man with a servants heart, he has committed the rest of his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the furthering of His Kingdom in which is done through hip hop as well as preaching and teaching the Word of God, with making disciples of all nations as the goal.





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