My name is Kevin Thurston and I am originally from Boston Massachusetts. I grew up in Roxbury in one of th most tumult projects called Orchard Park, Orchard Gardens now. There I experienced a lot of trials and tribulations from drugs to having a child at the age of 16. I was put to the fire early and without a father in the home and with a mother who was strung out on drugs, I learned the hard way. At this time alcohol, drugs, lust, gang bangin', etc...... were the things I leaned on with which all played a major part in my life. These were the things that I had made my god during this seasonal time of my growth. The Lord continuously covered and rescued me day after day and looking back now I can see exactly what he did and this went on and on and gradually began to shift once I got married. I was 25 when I got married to my gorgeous wife Tarsha and the mere fact of the Lord giving her to me was his way of luring me to him. But change actually manifested the night we both had an outer body encounter with the Lord. I was reminded of the fear I already had of God and after this particular night our lives changed forever. Change happened immediately and without a thought I decided to move me and my family to Greensboro North Caroliona where we have been now for 15 years. But even after this move I was still unaware of why The Father wanted us to move their, so in reality what I did in Boston I began to do in Greensboro, but more discrete. Eventually we got involved with church but became hoppers because I was not ready to change and at that time I did not know exactly what church was for, so I had made up in my mind that I wasn't going to go back until he sends somebody to me or HE tells me what's the purpose of church, and that's exactly what he did stripping me from the things I depended on like my good job. This valley transition led to us becoming evicted, and vehicle repossessed. HE removed the things I depended on and confined me in a place where my life seemingly hit dead end so I could solely depend on him. I was then in a backsliding state because I did not understand what was taking place and when I still wouldn't take heed HE got mt attention. It was the death of my brother that put the icing on the cake, I was so broken, which is where God wanted me to repair me and cast me in his love, and it was truly that pain that was the beginning of the foundation of my healing process. My life completely changed as I 180 finding myself clinging to the Will of God. And that is when I began to give him everything back, because the gifts God gave me I was using for the world. And I remember saying to The Lord, "How am I going to rap for you and still capture the people." For a long time this transformation was hard but like anything else your consistant with, you become better, and the more I let go and let God the better this ministry enhanced. And with the trainning I am receiving as a licensed Minister at The Potter's House Ministries here in Greensboro under the spiritual parenting of Bishop and Pastor Manwell Linda Grady, I'm still learning how to fully be used by the Lord. I believe God is preparing me for the arenas in the hip hop world because his children their are blinded by the money and glitts and glamour, and knowing The Father like I do he is not going to send his only begotten son back heir until he has gathered all of his belongings.