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album: It's our time

genre: Holy Hip Hop

streams: 158

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Everlasting Souljas
About Everlasting Souljas

Everlasting Souljas was founded by three anointed men of God on Sept. 10, 1999. Deacon Vic, Mr. shouty, Edward Johnson were the first three members. Later came along Chevron Dixon Known as Ms. Shorty and Michel Dixon known as Lil Mike. The group began to ...travel from church to church, city to city to minister the word of god through Gospel rap. They immediately explode on the scene as the best Gospel rap group petiton by the YMCA and several local churches in the city of Nashville, tn. During their outreach ministry they minister in prisons, churches, clubs and also several different juveniles. One time they minister in Woodland Hills Juvenille and 30 young people gave their lives to Jesus. Romans 10:9 - John 3:16- Genesis 1:28 -Leading souls into the kingdom of God is our mission. Jesus Said I am the way, the truth, the life and no man can come unto the father but by me. John 14:6 Vision We truly believe that we are in a time where young people are highly influence by the world’s music and system. God has chosen us in these in these end times to use the same beats that world loves and listen too on a daily basis to satisfy their soul and emotions. What we do is use the same style of beat to glorify the kingdom of god but we put his word (which is the Word of God) and preach it in a form of rap. (Colossians 3:17) Our Mission is to travel all across the country preaching the gospel to all mankind until the return of Jesus Christ. We’re not in it for the fame, fortune, houses, cars, clothes, but only to set captives free and give people the opportunity to know Jesus as their Lord and personal savior. (Luke 4:18) The bottom line is The Everlasting Souljas were chosen by God to win souls for The Kingdom of God.


Lecrae, True Black, Unity Klan, Kirk Franklin, Po Folks, Jesus Christ
HD His Disciple
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